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Here is a list of links to other websites related to escape & evasion during WW2 :
WWII Netherlands Escape Lines
Url : http://wwii-netherlands-escape-lines.com/
By : Bruce Bolinger (U.S.A.)
Language : English
A major source of information about escape lines in general (not only the Dutch lines!). Bruce Bolinger has compiled huge sets of resources that cannot be found anywhere else, including lists of Helpers from several countries (including France). The database of my website has been created based on these resources.
Conscript Heroes
Url : http://www.conscript-heroes.com/escapelines/
By : Keith Janes (England)
Language :
A reference website on ww2 escapers and evaders, with several comprehensive lists. Keith Janes has also published many articles on his website based on his own research.
Le réseau Comète
Url : http://www.evasioncomete.org/
By : Philippe Connart, Michel Dricot, Edouard Rénière, Victor Schutters (Belgium)
Language : French, English and Dutch
This website is dedicated to the most important escape line during ww2. Hundreds of evaders were helped by Comète, from Belgium to Spain. This website includes detailed stories of all these evaders, and individual pages for a number of helpers.
The Possum Escape Line
Url : http://www.possumline.net
By : Fred Greyer (England)
Language : English
Website dedicated to Possum. The principal objectives for his operation was to organise the recovery of evading RAF personnel in the Belgian Ardennes, organise landing sites in the north of France, organise escape lines from the Belgian Ardennes to these landing sites, organise shelter for the evaders, where they can wait to be airlifted or where they will be able to stay safely for several days with provisions, clothes, etc. Despite a very short life, Possum gave help to 60-70 airmen. Unfortunately, the Germans succeeded in destroying the line, and most members were deported to Germany.
France-Crashes 39-45
Url : http://www.francecrashes39-45.net/
By : Daniel Carville (France)
Language : French & English
This website references all crashes of allied aircraft on the French territory between 1939 & 1945 (7800 entries). The search engine is very powerful, and results include detailed information for each crash, including crew members, links to other resources, pictures of graves... Also found on the website : technical sheets of each type of aircraft, statistics, and a number of related articles. The database is updated each week with new information.
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